I am beyond excited to share that our first short film in....over two years...will premiere on YouTube on March 16th. The Witching Hour has been in development since before the pandemic, and it was incredibly fulfilling and fun to finally it come together.
Head to our YouTube channel and set a reminder to join live for the premiere! Also, content warning on this one. Violent themes.
Starring Alynn Rinah Parola, Samantha Owens.
Written and directed by Abby Brenker. Cinematography by KAKE DANCE CO. Cinematography and lighting by Alan Kudan and Mattheau O'Brien. Assisted directed by Dan Roberts. Produced by Sam Owens. Edited by Mattheau O'Brien. Original score by Patrick Basler. Behind the scenes photography and recording by Philip Eslick.
Special thanks to Victoria Leaming and Barbara Besser Reyes.